Head cap

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Carbon steel pipe cap

Carbon steel pipe cap

Product description: Carbon steel pipe cap, also known as plug, cap, pipe cover, bulkhead, is used to seal the pipeline, which has the same function as the pipe plug, but the cap can be directly screwed...
TEL: +86-18303170017

Carbon steel pipe cap (pipe cap), also known as plug, cap, pipe cap, bulkhead, is used to close the pipeline, which has the same function as the pipe plug, but the pipe cap can be directly screwed on the pipe without other pipe fittings. The pipe cap includes the design of convex pipe cap, conical shell, reducing section, flat cap and tight mouth

The materials of carbon steel pipe caps mainly include Q235, 20 #, A3, 16 manganese, Q345B, 45 steel, etc. The standards include GB/T25198-2010 (Pressure Vessel Head Standard), GB/T12459-2005, GB/T13401-2005, etc

The use of carbon steel pipe cap is an excellent important part of pressure vessel equipment in petrochemical, atomic energy and food pharmaceutical industries

1. The head is the end cover on the pressure vessel and a main pressure bearing part of the pressure vessel

2. The quality of the head is directly related to the long-term operation of the pressure vessel

Purpose of carbon steel head heat treatment

In order to effectively slow down and prevent abnormal damage of pressure vessel head, the actual effect is mainly metal performance and elimination of residual stress. In addition to strict manufacturing according to specifications, heat treatment will undoubtedly play a decisive role

After the use of carbon steel heads, the heads and their installation parts should be cleaned. Generally, the carbon steel heads should also be pickled after cleaning. Secondly, the friction of carbon steel head shall be reduced to avoid the reaction between wear and other steels. The placement is also critical. Generally, it shall not be placed in a damp place; The combined size shall be determined in accordance with the size of the carbon steel head. If the size is too large or too small, the machine or the carbon steel head will be worn

  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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