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P5 reducer

P5 reducer

Product description: P5 reducer has different properties according to different alloy elements added. It is generally used for reducing the diameter of gas or vertical liquid pipelines. P5 reducer is us...
TEL: +86-18303170017

P5 is a hot rolled alloy steel

Carbon C: 0.06-0.10

Manganese Mn: 0.2-0.6

Phosphorus P: ≤ 0.030

Chromium Cr: 2.0-2.5

P5 reducer has different properties according to different alloy elements added. It is generally used for reducing the diameter of gas or vertical liquid pipelines. P5 reducer is used for horizontal pipe and shall be marked with flat top or flat bottom. At the same time, the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction is significant. The photo thermal efficiency of the whole water heater can reach about 73% by adopting the technology of different diameter dense discharge, which not only saves electricity and coal, but also reduces carbon dioxide emissions. The pipe fitting material is characterized by that this kind of steel is a low carbon structural steel, with less alloy element content, generally less than 3%, and its strength is significantly higher than that of carbon steel with the same carbon content, with good toughness, plasticity and weldability

The reducing forming process of

P5 reducer is to put the tube blank with the same diameter as the big end of the reducer into the forming die, and make the metal move along the die cavity and shorten the forming through the restriction along the axial direction of the tube blank. According to the size of reducer, it can be divided into one time limited forming or repeated limited forming. Expanding forming is to select the tube blank that is smaller than the diameter of the big end of the reducer, and use the internal die to expand along the inner diameter of the tube blank. The expanding process needs to deal with the situation that the reducer with large diameter change is not easy to be formed by reducing. Sometimes, according to the data and product forming requirements, the expanding and reducing methods are combined. In the process of reducing or expanding deformation limitation, cold pressing or hot pressing is determined according to different data and reducing conditions

Under normal conditions, cold pressing should be used as far as possible for P5 reducer, but hot pressing should be used for severe work hardening caused by repeated diameter changes, wall thickness is too thick or alloy steel data. In addition to using steel pipe as the material to produce reducers, some standard reducers can also be produced using the stamping process of steel plate. The shape of the die used for drawing is planned according to the inner and outer surface dimensions of the reducer, and the blanking steel plate is punched and drawn with the die. In addition to using steel pipe as the material to produce reducers, some standard reducers can also be produced by using the stamping process of steel plate. Such products also include reducers, P5 reducers and stainless steel reducers

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  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777


  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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